By pushing out destination-related and itinerary-triggered content via text message, Danish toy giant Lego gives its travelling staff relevant and timely information while also increasing corporate travel policy compliance.
Since 2008, Lego has been using ConTgo, a company that helps corporations track and communicate with their travelling staff through text messaging. The messaging has opened doors in communication, security and procurement.
Mette Bank, global travel manager for Lego, says the company’s travellers enjoy receiving information relevant to their business travel plans.
During the ash cloud crisis of April 2010, 70 Lego employees were stranded in the US. The company used text messaging to inform their staff of a charter flight to Barcelona. While they were in the air, Lego’s business travel department arranged bus travel through Europe with the information waiting for them on their mobiles as soon as they got off the plane.
Lego plans to add a ConTgo module linked to effective en route procurement. Messages such as ‘You’re going to Hotel X — don’t forget breakfast and internet access are included in the company-negotiated rate’ will help the company address instances of contractual rates not being honoured at check-in.
Lego chose to start small with on-trip content to maximise simplicity and ease of use for its corporate travellers.
“You can write and write and write as much as you want in a travel policy, but what we’re doing now is giving people information they will actually read, when they need to read it. Targeted, clear content lets people focus on their business, not on logistics,” Mr Bank said.
Read more on how corporate travel programs are boosting policy compliance and efficiency through consumer travel strategies. Download BCD Travel’s White Paper, The Customer Always Knows Best: Leveraging B2C Strategies in Managed Travel Programs.